
Tips for finding a homeschool-friendly spouse

Here are a few sample practical tips to accomplish these objectives.  Not all tips will work for every person.  The goal is to stimulate ideas for each person to customize to his or her needs.

  1. Meet someone at your church or youth groups with topics on homeschooling.
  2. Take college classes friendly to homeschooling topics.
  3. Run a free website ad. Remember to use “Homeschooling” in the headline.
  4. Hold local gatherings of singles from other local churches open to homeschooling.
  5. Volunteer at homeschooling organizations.
  6. Attend homeshooling conferences. Seek out events for networking.
  7. Make friends with other homeschool graduates and be introduced to their friends or siblings.
  8. Create a YouTube video on the benefits of homeschooling. Mention you hope to homeschool one day yourself.
  9. Put an ad in homeschooling printed and online newsletters.
  10. Take a part-time job at a store that supports homeschoolers (school supplies, technology, etc.) to meet potential prospects.

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